[email protected] l +669 8557 9588                                                      

Poster Presentation

          1)     A presenter is needed to provide an A0-size poster (.pdf file) and a short talk video (.mp4 format) (around 3 min or less) about      
          the significant findings/ main ideas of the work.                                          
          2)     Both files will be posted on the PCT-11 web site for public announcement to all participants.      
          3)     The presenter has to perform Q&A by joining a given online room during the scheduled time slot. The duration for the Q&A of the poster session      
          is approximately 60 min. A link for online room and instruction will be given.      
          4)     Both poster and short talk files should be submitted to PCT-11 at [email protected] by 6 P.M. June 27th, 2021.      
          *** PLEASE designate the email subject as: Session-ID-Name-Lastname***      
          (Example: BMED-P1-Naraya-Nadee)      
          5)     The evaluators will join the poster Q&A session during on the scheduled time in the assigned online room for an evaluation as well.      
          6)     Poster presentation awards will also be given in this PCT-11.      

Oral Presentation

          1)     The presentation is given as a ‘live’ presentation via Zoom platform with Microsoft Power Point slides. The total time is 15 min, including Q&A.      
          2)     It is not necessary to send the Microsoft Power Point file to PCT-11 in advance. However, please be ready to make a presentation on the      
          scheduled time slot.                                  
          * Please note that if there should be any problem on the live presentation, a pre -recorded video from the presenter is considered acceptable,      
          but the presenter is needed to perform the live Q&A after his/her video presentation.                         
          Type Talk Time (including Q&A)                    
          Plenary speaker 45 min                          
          Keynote speaker 30 min                          
          Invited speaker 25 min                          
          General speaker 15 min                          
          File format: Microsoft PowerPoint                                      
          Presentation date: July 1-2, 2021